Sunday, August 29, 2010

Smooth Sailing

We did get to do a bit of site-seeing on our trip from Tucson back to Amarillo. This is the Agave Gulch RV Park where we spent our last night in Tucson. It's beautiful here.

We drove past the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. As you can see, the sand is indeed pure white.

Tazzy was taking in the view & doing some critter watching. We both love the wider, softer passenger seat. I call it the "One and a Quarter Seat". Perfect for the two of us to sit side by side.

Look Taz!

Some prairie dogs!
They're so cute!

I know, I know -you would love to chase them, catch them & eat them.

Passing through Roswell was fun.
This town really likes playing up the whole alien thing.

Until next time...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Pick-up Trip

We left for Tucson on the 26th to pick up our new 40' RV, a 2005 Alfa Gold (site unseen). Joe drove the 750 miles in 2-day - Trust me that's a lot for him. Our plan was to take one day to move all of our belongings from the Tiffin into the the Alfa and take two more days to get back to Amarillo. Well, you guessed it, those best-laid plans didn't quite work out the way we wanted them to. After we did our initial walk-through of the Alfa, Joe found 16 items that needed to be fixed before he would sign the papers. We ended up staying 3 extra days waiting for everything to be replaced or corrected to Joe's satisfaction. And, because we didn't tow our car, we didn't have any transportation - We were stuck, all day long, every day, from 8am to 8pm, with the dogs in a tiny office. It was like torture - no food, no where to go, nothing to do, but sit & wait. And the weather was the hottest it had been in Tucson for over a decade. The asphalt temperature was 200 degrees. The dogs didn't want to walk on it & I didn't blame them. I have to say, they behaved incredible well under the circumstances. Joe, on the other hand, festered into a raging bull. He wanted to speak to the owner of Padata RV Sales, Mr. Padata himself. He had enough of watching the grease-monkeys (and I do mean grease-monkeys) traipsing through the Alfa covered from head to foot in a black oily filth. touching everything, standing on the beige leather chairs, & walking on the carpet without covering their shoes or putting down some sort of protection. We watched the carpet change from light gray to charcoal gray. Joe told them that we took pride in our Tiffin & presented it to them in great condition & he expected the same from them in regard to the Alfa. Needless to say, they were glad to see us leave when everything was finally taken care of. It has now been a month since we got back to Amarillo. The drive back was so quite & smooth -rather pleasurable. Now, after a thorough interior cleaning on my part, we are happy with our new motorcoach. By the way, they sold our Tiffin in under a week!